The Female Man by Joanna Ross 5 points
A feminist novel published in 1975 that really got into not only the feminist movement but also touched on the environmental movement in the 1970s. I really liked how much this book challenged gender roles and sexist mindsets of the earlier 70s, it got me really fired up. Typically, I don't usually like science fiction but The Female Man was very good. There are four main female characters who live in four different dimensions, all at different stages in time. This book was meant to highlight the fact that gender roles are outdated. The book is about trying to build a better society where gender roles don't prohibit someone from living their best lives. There is a certain importance to solve social issues on time. The 40-year war in Jael's world isn't much of an exaggeration, if anything an understatement because women are still fighting for equality, and the suffragette movement started in the early 1900s. Joanna takes Janet and Jeannie to a party to show them how men and women interact and the interaction of Janet punching a guy who harasses Joanna at the party highlights that women are not inferior to men. By the end of the book, each woman has a new realization of self-worth and power, besides Janet who was not moved by Jael's ending speech. It's easy to only see life from your perspective and get caught up in your own ways of thinking when in reality, everyone experiences life differently. Every woman has a different definition of Feminism and it is highly affected by the environment they are in. Each of the four women was forced to see feminism from different parallel worlds because they had to live it. It is easy to say that women and men are equal when you are treated as an equal, but it's not always the same for everyone. Understanding the holes in society where equality doesn't reach and deciding to act on it is what will ultimately bring the feminist revolution into more fruition. This book is a call to action to fix something that should have been dealt with a long time ago. I really enjoyed reading this book and I am a pretty proactive person but it made me want to be even more proactive with feminism.
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